KUNDALINI YOGA (as taught by Yogi Bhajan)

I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga for 7 years and believe that it came to me at exactly the right time in my life, when I was wondering, “is this all there is to life?  Surely not?” I found and of course, continue to find that the technology of Kundalini gives me the faculty/tools to change my negative beliefs (once I became aware of them), to love myself, to strengthen and trust my intuition, to become neutral in most situations, to manage my emotions, to strengthen my physical body, to see the bigger picture, to grow/evolve/expand.  I also love that Kundalini yoga is complete in that every class involves, physical exercise, breathing techniques, mantras and meditation.

That’s my experience come and have your experience of the transformational power of just one class of Kundalini yoga.

“Kundalini means awareness.  It is the active coming together of you as a finite identity with you as an infinite potential identity. Kundalini Yoga is the technology to awaken your awareness and take you into your original Self.  It is a natural unfolding of your own nature.”

  • The Aquarian Teacher

This evening class will be a total work out for the thyroid, pituitary and pineal glands (suitable for all).  We will sing the meditation – The Mangalacharan Mantra for Protection and Projection of the Heart. English and Spanish